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Tier 2 Funding

Cash on Hand

3rd Round

Silicon Valley

Target Reached


Invest in the evolution of tech to alleviate pain and shaking.

United States Patent Number 10,694,989

iStopShaking® Devices Minimize Parkinson's & Essential Tremors

IoT (iStopShaking®) devices minimize or even stop the shaking of hands, head and feet caused by neurological tremors such as Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremors. There are three different IOT iStopShaking® devices.

1. iStopShaking® device for the hand (in a glove)

2. iStopShaking® device for the head (in a neck bracelet)

3. iStopShaking® device for the leg (in an ankle bracelet)

United States Patent Number 10,694,989

How Our IoT Devices Work

Keep an Eye on Your Health

Monitor Eight Activities on Mobile via Bluetooth

iStopShaking® also monitors eight activities and sends data to your Android or iPhone via Bluetooth. The iStopShaking® devices also measure a broad range of vital signs, store data, sync with smartphones, tablets, PCs and more.

Stop Tremors


Calm Muscles


Clear Mind


Improve Life

Invest or help someone in need

How Can I Get Involved?

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Technology in Motion

See How it Works

iStopShaking® devices are powered by 25 to 30 mini gyroscopes spinning at up to 40,000 rpm each. The mini gyroscopes are driven by a brushless DC (BLDC) controller. The BLDC drives one or more brushless slot-less DC motors. The speed of the motor is up to 70,000 rpm and the torque is up to 48mNm.